Saturday, December 4, 2010

National Network of Y-PEER in Nepal Launches

National Network of Y-PEER in Nepal Launches

We are pleased to share that on 3rd December, 2010, Y-PEER Nepal was launched officially in the capital city Kathmandu, among the member organisations and stakeholders including INGOs, NGOs, media personnel and young people. Around 40 invitees were present in the program. On the occasion, Y-PEER national focal point in-charge made presentation on Y-PEER in the global and the national scenario. The presentation included the main objective of the network with the past and future activities.
Members Singing Y-PEER Song "Aagaman.."

Mr. Bijay Thapa, UNFPA Nepal Assistant representative gave his remark on the importance of the national network in the scenario of Nepal. Mr. Thapa highlighted importance of young people as a change maker and wished Y-PEER for further success. It was followed by remarks of Dr. Giridhari Sharma Paudel, Acting Director General, Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN). Dr. Paudel highlighted on the current trend of young people in their sexual practices and how peer education can contribute for promoting safe sexual practices. He provided some glimpse on the activities FPAN in the peer education since few decade.
Y-Peer Members during launching ceremony

 There was a skit presented by Y-PEER Kathmandu group showcasing roles that peer educators can play in a community to reduce malpractices. The program was then followed by official launching of the Y-PEER Nepal network by singing Y-PEER Nepal song by the Y-PEER’s and guests.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

2010 World Aids Day " STREET DRAMA"

Program         :  Street Drama and Candle Lighting
Date                :  1st December 2010
Venue             :  Nyatapola Square, Bhaktapur , Bagmati Region , Nepal
Organizer       :  Y-PEER NEPAL (Kathmandu Region)
Co-Organizer:   Mission for Rural Development 
facebook Page :-

World AIDS Day 2010 celebration

On the occasion of World AIDS Day 2010 falling on December 1st, Y-PEER Kathmandu in collaboration with Mission for Rural Development organized a street drama and candle lighting program at Nyatapola Square, Bhaktapur. The WAD 2010 was celebrated with the theme Universal Access and Human Rights. There was presence of 18 volunteers from Y-PEER Kathmandu and MRD with an audience of more than 200 people watching the drama.

The volunteers gathered at Bhaktapur Durbar Square and then headed to the program  venue Nyatapola Square. Different techniques were applied to gather mass for the drama and it turned out to be very effective. The program started at 4:30 PM with the drama on HIV & AIDS awareness which was followed by candle lighting. The street drama proved to be instrumental in disseminating positive message to act against HIV & AIDS. The drama was 15 minutes long and it was performed by the members of Y-PEER Kathmandu and MRD. The drama ended with the flow of positive messages by all the volunteers participating as actors. In the meantime, IEC materials were distributed to the public in huge number and feedbacks and suggestions were taken regarding the program and WAD 2010.

The second phase of the program was candle lighting which was very symbolic of hope to act against HIV & AIDS. The locals of Bhaktapur showed great zest by actively participating in the program. The program was able to draw the attention of tourists as well. It was very encouraging to see huge number of young students participating in the celebration. The WAD 2010 was celebrated with great enthusiasm and it ended with new hope.

some images:-