Sunday, January 15, 2012

Y-PEER Nepal is planning to conduct Valentine Day Safer Sex Campaign through online forum to promote responsible sexual behavior among young people. Online posters and notebook will be designed keeping in mind the youthful essence and of love and sexuality. The posters will be posted in various online platform like facebook and blogs and it will also be sent through email to all the member organizations, partners, youth organizations, youth networks etc. This campaign is supposed to give a very strong message and creating awareness regarding safer sexual behavior among young people.
Y-PEER Nepal request all the young people to send us messages on youth, love and sexuality. The messages can be emailed to

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New year to all our well wishers and supporters.We would like to wish all our friends a very prosperous and enjoyable year ahead. Let's get together to bring the change, a change that will bring prosperity that will lead us to success. As Y-PEER motto states, "What we know is what we share", let's  share our thoughts and ideas. Happy New Year again!!!