Sunday, July 1, 2012

National Consultation on Standardization of Peer Education

National Consultation on Standardization of Peer Education was held at Summit Hotel, Kupondole that brought 50 peer educators representing different organizations of Nepal. The consultation meeting was held for two day i.e. 24th and 25th June 2012 and  was organized by Youth Peer Education Nepal (Y-PEER Nepal) with the support of UNFPA Country office Nepal. Mostly youth (15-24 years ) were the participants and most of the youths were peer educators working in different field related to sexual  and reproductive health, drugs, LGBTI, etc.
Basically the two days consultation meeting focus on the gathering the views and recommendation from the participants on the two major questions:
1.      Since different approaches to peer education have been in practice, what would be the minimum standard of the peer education approaches?
2.      What are the modality, quality and standard for peer education in Nepal?
The consultation meeting was facilitated by Anup Adhikari and Ram Krishna Parajuli. The two days consultation gave out some recommendations for the standardization of peer education in Nepal. The detail about the consultation meeting will soon be circulated to all member organization. Y-PEER Nepal is very grateful to all the participants, facilitators and volunteer for their participation and support. Their active participation had made the program successful.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Advocacy Capacity Building Training on SRHR at Nagarkot

The Advocacy Capacity Building Training on SRHR started from 7th June at Nagarkot with 20 participants who had applied for the training. The resource person for the training is Mr. Punya Bhandari from Youth Action Nepal. The training is going very well with active participation from all the participants and we had representatives from UNFPA Nepal who provided their useful ideas in the training. The training will continue till 10th June 2012.
The first day of the Y-PEER Nepal Advocacy Training on SRHR went very well at Nagarkot with 20 Y-PEER certified members participating from 14 districts. We are thankful to Ian Mcfarlane, Country Representative UNFPA,CO for his presence and active involvement and interaction with the participants throughout the day.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

National Consultation on Adolescents and Youth on Commission on Population and Development (CPD)

Organized by :- Y-PEER Nepal & AYON
Supported By :- UNFPA, Nepal

National Consultation on Adolescents and Youth on Commission on Population and Development (CPD) was held on 4th April 2012 at Summit Hotel,Kathmandu. It is a one day consultation program targeted to bring together diverse stakeholders including government delegates, youth organizations, INGOs, NGOs,
 Child clubs and young people to map the current situation; identify gaps and challenges; and draw out recommendations on the issues of adolescents and youth in Nepal in light with the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) so as to develop Nepal’s Position Paper for 45th session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD).

The 45th session of the Commission on Population and Development will be held between April 23rd and 27th 2012. The involvement of young people was particularly more relevant this year’s CPD as the theme for the session is ‘Adolescents and Youth’. The CPD platform was an opportunity to ensure that young peoples’ voices and needs were heard, represented, and addressed; especially around the issues of young peoples’ sexual and reproductive health and rights. It was an opportunity for young people to bring out their concerns and influence decision-makers at national and international level. Furthermore, several youth organizations and partners working on youth SRH issues are not aware on the importance of involvement in the CPD process, and not necessarily the issues, realities and needs of Nepalese youth were discussed in the process.
Y-PEER Nepal also participated in CPD consultation programme. It was a great achievement for all the Youth. 

Friday, March 30, 2012

4th National TOT , Morang , Nepal

Y-PEER Nepal "4th National TOT  "

Forth national TOT was held at Biratnagar, Nepal from 25-29 March 2012.
Participants from 12 districts representing different organisation from Eastern and Central Development Region took the training. In the 5 days training , trainers delivered different Y-PEER Tools and Techniques .
With this training , there are about 100 Y-PEER Certified  Trainers in Nepal.

You can find updates and images on out facebook link:-

 What we Know is what we share
 We are Y-PEER






Thursday, March 15, 2012

Youth Information and Resource Center (YIRC) Inaguration

15th March, 2012, Kathmandu
Youth Information and Resource Center has been recently developed in AYON secretariat in joint collaboration between AYON and Y-PEER Nepal with the support of UNFPA- Nepal country office. The resource center is aimed to ensure the access of information and utility of resources for the development and empowerment of Youth.
The center is jointly run by both networks that are each experienced in issues revolving around Youth, National Youth Policy (NYP), its implementation, Youth Responsive Budget (YRB), Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH), Advocacy to policymakers and capacitating young individuals and organizations to effectively participate in development process.
The resource center ensures the access of information and utility of resources for the development and empowerment of youth, youth leaders and representatives from all over Nepal on behalf of various youth organizations who wish to work on their desired projects.
The resource center was co-inaugurated by the Honorable Secretary for the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS), Mr. Sushil Ghimire and Mr. Ian McFarlane, Country Representative UNFPA country office, Nepal. 
Inauguration ceremony at AYON office.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Youth Information and Resource Center

Inauguration Ceremony of AYON Y-PEER Youth Information and Resource Center 

We are thankful to all representative from  Ministry of Youth and Sports , UNFPA  , Member organisation of Y-PEER & AYON and different other organizations. 
We would also like to invite all to visit the resource center .
Time :- 10:30 am - 4:30 pm ( Sunday- Friday ) except public holidays

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Application Call for 4th National TOT

Y-PEER Nepal is planning to a call applications for 4th National training of trainers on peer education for peer educators (between 16-24 years of age) from Eastern developmentregion in the country, working on Adolescents and young people’s sexual and reproductive health including HIV and AIDS, and Most at risk young people (MARYP).

The five days residential training will be organized in the month of March, 2012. Altogether 28 young people would be selected by the selection committee on the basis of the documents (application form , recomendation Letter, and CV ) submitted. All training cost of the selected participants
 including their travel and accommodation would be bear by the organizer... continue further reading

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Successful " Valentine Safer Sex Campaign 2012"

With all the support from our well wisher, valentine safer sex campaign 2012 was a huge success. We received alot of love messages, quotes, poems, gajals, comments, etc from many people. We published some of them in our website. The response was very good.
We are very thankful to all those who supported and participated in our online campaign. We need this kind of support and encouragement in comming days as well. 
Thank you!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine Day 2012

Y-PEER Nepal initiated Valentine Day Safer Sex Campaign through online forum to promote responsible sexual behavior among young people on 14th February 2011. Online posters were designed keeping in mind the youthful essence and of love and sexuality. The posters were posted in various online platform like facebook and blogs and it was also sent through email to all the member organizations, partners, youth organizations, youth networks etc. It was hugely promoted through facebook as most of the young people have access to it and the campaign was appreciated by the youths for its modality of no funding activity but giving a very strong message and creating awareness. 
This year with the same concept as in past, Y-PEER Nepal has collected love poems, gajals, love messages, etc. All these things will be posted on our official websitefacebook page and twitter on Valentine day 2012 (i.e. 14th February 2012). This Valentine Campaign is purely an online campaign. Anyone can post (also can comment ) their love poems, gajals, love messages, etc in our facebook page, blog, twitter. All these things can be emailed to us at
 Y-PEER Nepal wishes all of you the very Happy Valentine Day 2012.

More about Valentine Safer Sex campaign on

Valentine Week - Kiss Day ( 13 feb 2012)

February 13, 2012: Kiss Day

A kiss means a lot. It is the action that marks the beginning of a romantic relationship. A kiss is what seals the vows exchanged on a wedding day. A kiss can say hello, goodbye, give comfort, or be romantic, just to name a few. In other words, kissing is always appropriate with the special person in your life. Kissing is essential to feel connected to your mate. It is one of the things that often gets overlooked as to how important it really is for women, and men, in a relationship. 
Today, 13th February 2012, is being celebrated around the globe as “KISS DAY”. Kiss your love ones and make love even more deeper. A simple kiss has a lot of strength that can’t be expressed through thousands of words. Y-PEER  Nepal wish all the youth on the occasion of Kiss Day. Happy Kiss Day.
Share us your love quotes, messages, poems,..etc. we will collect them all and will post them in our blog.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine Week - Hug Day ( 12 feb 2012)

February 12, 2012- Hug day

Hug your partner.Hugs are important expression of affection. A simple hug have the power more than 1000s of words. Hug your parner and express your love and affection.
Share us your love quotes, messages, poems,..etc. we will collect them all and will post them in our blog.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine Week - Promise Day ( 11 feb 2012)

February 11 : Promise Day 

Love comes with a lot of responsibilities, commitment, and promises. Today people around the whole world are celebrating their love by expressing their commitment towards their love ones. Make some new promises (commitments) and try your best to fulfill old ones to strengthen your love relationship. Promises and commitment mean a lot in all relationship. It is associated with trust at heart. Some make good promises and fulfill your promises. Promises are not made for broken. 
Y-PEER Nepal wishes you all a very happy promise day. "Promise little and do much". Share us your love quotes, messages, poems,..etc.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Y-PEER Nepal is now on new web link Also we have our new email address
Our new website is under construction and we request all our well wisher to provide us with your innovative suggestions and advice for our website.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Y-PEER Nepal is planning to conduct Valentine Day Safer Sex Campaign through online forum to promote responsible sexual behavior among young people. Online posters and notebook will be designed keeping in mind the youthful essence and of love and sexuality. The posters will be posted in various online platform like facebook and blogs and it will also be sent through email to all the member organizations, partners, youth organizations, youth networks etc. This campaign is supposed to give a very strong message and creating awareness regarding safer sexual behavior among young people.
Y-PEER Nepal request all the young people to send us messages on youth, love and sexuality. The messages can be emailed to

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New year to all our well wishers and supporters.We would like to wish all our friends a very prosperous and enjoyable year ahead. Let's get together to bring the change, a change that will bring prosperity that will lead us to success. As Y-PEER motto states, "What we know is what we share", let's  share our thoughts and ideas. Happy New Year again!!!