- 4th National TOT -

Y-PEER Nepal is planning to a call applications for 4th National training of trainers on peer education for peer educators (between 16-24 years of age) from Eastern development region in the country, working on Adolescents and young people’s sexual and reproductive health including HIV and AIDS, and Most at risk young people (MARYP).

The five days residential training will be organized in the month of March, 2012. Altogether 28 young people would be selected by the selection committee on the basis of the documents (application form , recomendation Letter, and CV ) submitted. All training cost of the selected participants

 including their travel and accommodation would be bear by
 the organizer.

Criteria for applicants
1. Must be between the ages of 16 to 24 years of age;
2. Must be affiliated to an organization working in the areas of ASRH (adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health) , HIV/AIDS and MARYPs;
3. At least one year of experience working as a peer educator

    & currently working in eastern region;
4. Residing inside the country and would be in the country for at least for another year;
5. Basic understanding on young people’s sexual and reproductive health;
6. Must be able to communicate in basic English language;
7. Able to represent his/her organization and specific development region and district.

How to apply

To apply for the trainings, you must fill up the application form (you can get it in our blog), send your latest updated Curriculum Vitae (C.V) and recommendation letter (including your achievements and involvements) from your organization by email ( info@ypeernepal.org ) with Subject :- ‘4th TOT Application ‘  no later than 10th March, 2012. Selection would be done on the submitted documents which may or may not involve interview. For organizations willing to apply for the trainings, can also contact in the given address. The selected participants would be notified via email or telephone
For any other Information
Contact :-  Madan Ghimire , Y-PEER Nepal Regional coordinator , 
                  Eastern Development Region Madan@ypeernepal.org  , 9842744562
                 Sagar Budhathoki , National Coordinator , 9841764088 ( 12PM- 3pm  Sun- Fri)
              :- Sangeet Gopal  Kayastha , Communication Coordinator ,   
                 9841235634 , 9803027008 
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