Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Call for Application for Y-PEER National Training of Trainers 2011

Call for Applications- Y-PEER National Training of Trainers 2011

Closing date: 30th April, 2011

Y-PEER (Youth Peer Education Network), a global network, is a groundbreaking and comprehensive youth-to-youth initiative pioneered by UNFPA in 2001. Y-PEER aims to promote a healthy life style through peer to peer approach and to empower young people to make responsible decisions. Y-PEER Nepal, part of
global network started in December 2010 in the country is being supported by Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN) as a secretariat and UNFPA.

Y-PEER Nepal announces a call for applications for three simultaneous national level training of trainers on peer education for peer educators (between 16-24 years of age) around the country working on Adolescents and young people’s sexual and reproductive health including HIV and AIDS, and Most at risk young people (MARYP). Around 80 peer educators will be trained in the three trainings that will be organized during May to August 2011. 

Organizers will bear cost of selected participants including travelling and accomodation. 

Criteria for applicants

1. Must be between the age of 16 to 24 years of age;

2. Must be affiliated to an organization working in the areas of ASRH, HIV/AIDS and MARYPs,

3. At least one year of experience working as a peer educator;

4. Residing inside the country;

5. Basic understanding on young people’s sexual and reproductive health;

6. Must be able to communicate in basic English;

7. Able to represent his/her organization and specific development region and district.

How to apply

To apply for the trainings, you must fill up the application form (attached along with the mail, send copies of an updated Curriculum Vitae (C.V) and recommendation letter (including your achievements and involvements) from your organization by post or email before 30th April, 2011. Selection would be done on the submitted documents which may or may not involve interview. The selected participants would be notified via email or telephone.

For organizations willing to apply for the trainings, can also contact in the given address.

Preference would be given to member organizations of the network. Gender balance and social inclusion will be maintained during the selection.

For further information, please contact;

Ms. Shubha Kayastha
Y-PEER Nepal, National focal point in-charge/ National coordinator
Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN),
Hariharbhawan, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, P.O. B: 486
O: 977 01 5010240, 5010104
F: 977 01 5010248
ypeer.nepal@gmail.com, shubhakayastha@gmail.com

Ms. Aradhana Gurung
Youth Programme Officer
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Nepal
Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur
O: 977 01 5523880
F: 977 01 5523985

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