Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine Week - Hug Day ( 12 feb 2012)

February 12, 2012- Hug day

Hug your partner.Hugs are important expression of affection. A simple hug have the power more than 1000s of words. Hug your parner and express your love and affection.
Share us your love quotes, messages, poems,..etc. we will collect them all and will post them in our blog.


  1. It is that time of the year when love in all its forms and types is celebrated. Yes, it

    is Valentine’s Week, starting from February 7 to February 14. Especially around this

    time, happily-in-love couples make the time and efforts to make their loved ones feel

    special. They mark the day by exchanging gifts and spending quality time with each

    other. Building up the hype of Valentine’s Day are the seven days that come before —

    Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Kiss Day, Hug Day — in

    that order before the big V-Day comes a-calling.

    Checkout Valentine Day Puns, Jokes, Clipart, Images, Quotes etc

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    february special days for lovers

    short valentines day poems

    happy rose day quotes

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    happy chocolate day quotes
